One thing that can be overwhelming or a complete surprise for beginner sewists is sewing supplies. Of course you need to have your machine and fabric (start with a cotton sheet for practice) but what sewing tools do you actually NEED to have to start sewing? Today, I’m going to cover my list of 5 must have tools to start sewing. And there are really only 5.
Have you ever been to a craft store or a sewing store and seen a million different jazzy items that you think seriously I have to have this, I will not be able to sew without this, Yes sounds familiar! Hopefully you can find a coupon or something because this is adding up way to fast. Just follow this list and it will save you money to not buy junk! Really when you start out just buy these 5 things and you will be good to go!
Sewing For Beginners – 5 MUST HAVE Supplies
- 1. Fabric Scissors these are the very best sissors!
- #2 Machine needles
- Only use this brand. Start with these universal as you begin sewing and as you start needing and using different weights of fabrics we will cover the special needles then in a different post ( like sewing with swim fabric and lycra ect..) When you first start sewing it is very common to blow through some broken needles, do not panic, you will ease into your machine and will learn the techniques as you keep sewing. Practice! Practice!
- #3 Wonder clips
- Yes these are wonderful! Instead of pinning (And forgetting to take out the pin when you sew and breaking a needle, These little clips are the best, especially when you are starting out. Simply clip the layers together and as you sew take them out!
- Yes you need to have this little handy dandy tool! I still use it when I sew.
- Yes Gutermann is the best! If you try others that's fine but my one no no is using vintage thread. It breaks, its old and it stinks. Also I do not use cotton thread because it breaks too. I like a poly thread for the strength and durability.
- If you have these 5 tools to start with you are good to go!
- Link for the heavy duty sewing machine for beginners